
I Heart Faces Week #18- Laughter

I've mentioned before that I like to follow the I Heart Faces blog; their Fix-It Fridays are a lot of fun for me and pop up on my blog every couple of weeks. They also host a weekly photo challenge; there is a theme, and a category for photos of adults and one for children. I've never entered the weekly challenges before, but this week's theme spoke to me: Laughter. As soon as I saw it, I knew the photo I wanted to enter.

This shot was taken at a wedding reception on Hallowe'en night, 2008, and it's still one of my favourites; it is pure, unadulterated joy. There is nothing but bliss in her face. It makes me feel good right down to my bones to see the happiness in her face and the laugh these two guests were sharing on the dance floor.

Swing over to I Heart Faces to see more laughter photos (and guest judge Ree Drummond- one of my favourites!)


Jen H said...

LOVE that photo!! That is pure laughter if ever I saw it! lolol

Jen H

Heidi said...

Awesome joy in her face! I love the black and white, especially with the polka-dots!

AngelaCate said...

AH this is a great laughter shot. You can feel it!!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful laughter shot! :-) I love it and congrats!