
Giving Back - NILMDTS

"You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give." -Winston Churchill.

I want to take a minute to mention a charity that is close to my heart- Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep.

As you know, I do infant portraiture as part of my business. When couples are expecting a baby, they never expect to face a tragedy and leave the hospital with empty arms and broken hearts. Unfortunately, it happens. It happens often. And tragically, this happened to a friend of mine recently. I wish she had known about Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (NILMDTS) prior to delivering her son so that I could have done what I could to help in a terrible time.

NILMDTS is a non-profit organization operated by over 7000 photographers in 26 countries. These photographers donate their time and talent to create beautiful, meaningful keepsake portraits for families facing infant loss.

I consider myself very fortunate to volunteer as an affiliate photographer for NILMDTS in Calgary; it is a beautiful gift to be able to give these families portraits of their children that they might not otherwise have.

To the general public: Please consider making a small donation to NILMDTS in order to keep the services running. With over 1,000,000 unique hits per year, a dollar for every visitor to the website would go a long way.

For photographers and photoshop artists: Please consider donating your time and talent to this worthy cause.

To parents: NILMDTS offers a support forum at http://www.nowisleep.com.

Thank you.

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