
2010 Basset Olympics

It isn't often that I come home from work covered in dirt, fur, sweat and slobber... but it isn't everyday that I'm asked to photograph an event like this!  This past Saturday marked the annual fundraising event for the Calgary Basset Rescue.  This is the second year I've attended the event, affectionately known as "the waddle."  Last year, I showed up unannounced with my camera for my own entertainment; I posted some of the pictures online and they loved them so much, they asked if I'd return this year and shoot the whole event.  Needless to say, I was more than happy to oblige!

The day was a HUGE success... not a cloud in the sky, not an unhappy face in the crowd, and a nice chunk of change was raised to help homeless hounds.  What could be better?

...But let's cut to the chase, shall we?  Here's some pictures from the event... this is merely a sneak peek!  There will be about 400 more images posted online in the coming days; prints can be purchased and all proceeds - every last penny - will be donated to the Calgary Basset Rescue to help with their cause.  I'll post ordering information when the gallery is ready.




Lindsay said...

I love them all!

Unknown said...

They look great, Shannon! We can't wait to see the rest!!! Thank you so much for giving up your Saturday afternoon to come out and be slobbered on!!!